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‘Amazon Customers Blocked From Using Visa Cards’

Amazon customers were "blocked" from using Visa-issued credit or debit cards in November 2021.

Sweden Twitter ‘My Best Advice …’ Meme

A tweet from Sweden's official @sweden account instructed fellow Swedes how to become more skilled at oral sex.

‘Can’t Help Myself’ Robot Arm

Facebook post describes and shows "Can't Help Myself," a robot arm art installation.

Betty White ‘Donald Trump’ Veterans Day Tweet

On November 11 2021 Betty White tweeted "Donald Trump isn't worthy to wash John McCain's jockstrap."

James Webb Space Telescope, December 18th Facebook Post

The James Webb Space Telescope will launch on December 18 2021, as described by a Facebook post.

Newt Gingrich Floats ‘Jail Time’ for January 6th Committee Members

During a Fox News appearance on January 23 2022, Newt Gingrich said that January 6th Committee members could face jail time under "a Republican Congress."

Cannibal Corpse ‘My Home is Full of Skulls’ Meme

Image juxtaposes a real headline about a Cannibal Corpse guitarist with a real Spotify screenshot displaying songs "I Have Guns in My House, For Murder" and "My Home is Full of Skulls."

Egg ‘Sink or Float’ Test

You can determine the safety and freshness of an egg by placing it in water; "bad eggs" will float to the top, while very fresh eggs will sink.

MetaCompany ‘Facebook Stole Our Name and Livelihood’ Letter

Facebook steamrollered MetaCompany ('s "name and livelihood" after three months of unproductive negotiations.

‘Hobby Lobby Took Out a Full Page Ad Today …’

"Hobby lobby took out a full page ad in the Register-Guard this morning. Talking about how America should only be led by Christians ..."

‘Kyle Rittenhouse’s Trial Opens with His Lawyer Saying the N-Word Twice in Court’

Alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer used the same racial slur "twice in court" at the beginning of his trial in October 2021.

Pierce Brosnan: ‘She Is in My Eyes the Most Beautiful Woman in the World …’

Pierce Brosnan said of his wife Keely Shaye Smith: "She is in my eyes the most beautiful woman in the world, she raised my 5 children with love. In the past, I already loved her for her personality and not just for her beauty. Now I love her even more. I am very proud of her, and I always try to be worthy of her love."

Keanu Reeves: ‘To Me, Nature Is a Place Where You Retreat Whenever You Feel Exhausted or Sad …’

Keanu Reeves said: "To me, Nature is a place where you retreat whenever you feel exhausted or sad. I’m more happy when I’m surrounded by the sound of birds than the sound of people."

Japan ‘Santa Crucified’ Christmas Meme

A photograph shows a Christmas department store window display with a crucifixion scene involving Santa, indicating that people in Japan "don't fully understand Christmas yet."

‘Boss Texts on Your Day Off? Leave Them Unread’ Billboard

A billboard depicted in a viral image reads "boss texts on your day off? Leave them unread."

‘FDA Vaccine Advisory Board Said Friday Unvaccinated Are More Educated on the Vaccine Than Most People Who Have Gotten It’ Tweet

An FDA vaccine advisory board said that the unvaccinated are more educated on the vaccine than most people who have gotten it, and that “we cannot adequately refute their concerns, which should make us all very uncomfortable.”

‘June 1954 – Jack Albertson Lamented the Loss of Blackface and Felt Minority Groups Were Making Life Rough for the Comedian’

Image of a comedian's complaint about "cancel culture," "Comic's life rough," is an authentic newspaper clipping from 1954.

‘It’s Been Illegal for Employers to Forbid Workers From Discussing Their Pay For the Last 86 Years, Since the National Labor Relations Act of 1935’

"FYI it's been illegal for employers to forbid workers from discussing their pay for the last 86 years (since the National Labor Relations Act of 1935). If your employer tells you this they are directly breaking labor law."

Was William Shatner the First ‘Star Trek’ Actor to Reach Outer Space?

William Shatner's October 2021 flight to outer space made him the first "Star Trek" performer to travel beyond Earth.

Telegraph Money ‘Kyle’ Tweet

A Telegraph Money (@MoneyTelegraph) profile of Kyle, 28, describes his strategy for being on track to retire at 40.