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Polis on Inflation: Federal Government 'Can't Keep Borrowing and Borrowing'

On Friday8217;s broadcast of the Fox News Channel8217;s 8220;America8217;s Newsroom,8221; Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) said that the federal government has to pay for spending and 8220;We can8217;t keep borrowing and borrowing and borrowing. That adds inflationary pressure over time.8221;

Polis: People Should Be Able to 'Make Their Own Decisions' about Level of COVID Risk They're Okay with

On Friday8217;s broadcast of the Fox News Channel8217;s 8220;America8217;s Newsroom,8221; Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) commented on states lifting their mask mandates by stating that 8220;people should be empowered to make their own decisions about the risk level they8217;re comfortable

Brooks: CDC Thinks about Health, Not 'Overall Flourishing' - It's 'Worth It' to Loosen Mask Rules

On Friday8217;s 8220;PBS NewsHour,8221; New York Times columnist David Brooks said that the CDC and health officials are primarily tasked with health, but governors have to balance 8220;the overall flourishing of their communities.8221; And that in areas where Omicron has

Rapper Cardi B, Shill for Socialist Sen. Sanders, Laments Inflation: 'Everything Is High'

Rapper and shill for socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) Cardi B, whose net worth is an estimated $40 million, is complaining about inflation, lamenting how nearly 8220;everything8221; has gone up in price, and admitting that she hasn8217;t 8220;really been keeping up

Maher: Trudeau's Rhetoric Sounds 'Like Hitler' and He's Talking about 'Unacceptable Views'

On Friday8217;s broadcast of HBO8217;s 8220;Real Time,8221; host Bill Maher said that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sounded 8220;like Hitler8221; when he made comments about leaders facing a choice on whether or not to 8220;tolerate8221; people who aren8217;t vaccinated and

Biden: 'Hard to Say' if Lifting Mask Mandates Is Wrong, But 'It's Probably Premature'

During a portion of an interview with NBC aired on Thursday8217;s edition of 8220;NBC Nightly News,8221; President Joe Biden said that it8217;s 8220;hard to say8221; if blue state governors rolling back mask requirements are wrong and that while doing so

Biden to Holt: You're 'a Wise Guy' for Asking about My Past Inflation Statements, It 'Ought to Be Able to Start to Taper Off' Throughout 2022

During a portion of an interview with NBC aired on Thursday8217;s edition of 8220;NBC Nightly News,8221; President Joe Biden said that host Lester Holt was 8220;being a wise guy8221; by asking him about his past comments on inflation being temporary

Biden: 'I'm Rejecting' Claims in Army Report We Weren't Prepared for Afghanistan Withdrawal, But I Wasn't Told We Were Prepared

During a portion of an interview with NBC aired on Thursday8217;s edition of 8220;NBC Nightly News,8221; President Joe Biden dismissed the accounts in an Army report that the administration wasn8217;t prepared for the withdrawal from Afghanistan but denied he was

DEA Administrator: China 'Knows' Its Chemicals Are Used to Make Fentanyl, It 'Needs to Do More'

During an interview aired on Tuesday8217;s broadcast of CNN8217;s 8220;At This Hour,8221; DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said that China 8220;knows8221; chemicals from its country are being shipped to Latin America and used to make fentanyl and that 8220;China needs to do

DEA Administrator: Social Media Companies Could Stop Drug Trafficking on Their Sites If They Wanted to

During an interview aired on Tuesday8217;s broadcast of CNN8217;s 8220;At This Hour,8221; DEA Administrator Anne Milgram stated that social media companies 8220;know exactly8221; how drug traffickers are using their sites to traffic drugs and that they could put an end to

Blackburn: GoFundMe's Actions Against Freedom Convoy 'Discriminatory'

Sunday on FNC8217;s 8220;Fox Report,8221; Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) reacted to GoFundMe8217;s decision to redirect money sent to the Canadian Freedom Convoy to causes the donors never intended. GoFundMe has since relented to public backlash and refunded the cause8217;s donors.

Klain: 'Ridiculous' to Bash our COVID Response, 'We've Done Our Jobs' and Need People 'To Take Advantage of' Tools They Have

During an interview aired on Friday8217;s 8220;PBS NewsHour,8221; White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain dismissed 8220;ridiculous8221; criticisms of the Biden administration for mixed signals on the coronavirus response and who is in charge and argued that 8220;we8217;ve done our

Waltz: We Don't Have Ability to Conduct Raids in Afghanistan That We Do in Syria

On Thursday8217;s broadcast of the Fox News Channel8217;s 8220;America Reports,8221; Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) stated that conducting raids like the one that took out ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi is possible because we have resources around Syria that we don8217;t

Crenshaw: Left Doesn't Have Compassion for Crime Victims, They Only Have It for Criminals

On Friday8217;s broadcast of the Fox News Channel8217;s 8220;America8217;s Newsroom,8221; Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) argued that the root cause of the crime spike is left-wing ideology that goes soft on crime based on an inaccurate sense of compassion, and 8220;if